2019.12 - 至今,西北农林科技大学百家乐规则 ,副教授
2017.08 -2019.07,瑞士日内瓦大学博士后,合作导师:Stefan Matile教授
2012.09 - 2017.07,天津大学,应用化学,工学博士,导师:赵康教授
2008.09 - 2012.07,天津医科大学,药物制剂,理学学士,导师:段宏泉教授
《有机化学B》(食品科学与工程百家乐规则 本科生),2020年春
1. Xiang Zhang, Naomi Sakai, Stefan Matile.*Methyl Scanning for MechanochemicalChalcogen-Bonding Cascade Switches. ChemistryOpen 2019, in press (DOI: 10.1002/open.201900288).
2. Xiang Zhang, Xintong Wan, Ying Cong, Xiaohua Zhen, Qiao Li, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du,*Kang Zhao.*Lactonization of 2-Alkynylbenzoates for the Assembly of Isochromenones Mediated by BF3·Et2O. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84 , 10402−10411.
3. Xiang Zhang, XiaoyuHao, Le Liu, Anh-Tuan Pham, Javier López-Andarias, Antonio Frontera, Naomi Sakai, Stefan Matile.* Primary Anion-π Catalysis and Autocatalysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc . 2018, 140 , 17867−17871.
4. Xiang Zhang(#), Le Liu (#), Javier López-Andarias, Chao Wang, Naomi Sakai, and Stefan Matile.* Anion-π Catalysis: Focus on Nonadjacent Stereocenters. Helv.Chim.Acta 2018, 101 , e1700288.
5. Xiang Zhang, Guangshuai Zhou, Yong Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du,* Kang Zhao.* A Ring-contraction Disproportionation-Spirocyclization Cascade Reaction of Isochromeno [4,3- b ]indol-5(11 H )-ones: Synthesis of N -UnsubstitutedSpirocycles. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81 , 11397.
6. Xiang Zhang, Ying Cong, KunhuaLei, XuliangGuo, Yang Cao, Kunhua Lei, Yunfei Du.* Recent Advances of the Application of Organoiodine(III) Reagents in the Construction of Heterocyclic Compounds. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 36 , 2513 (Review, Cover).
7. Xiang Zhang, WenjuanHou, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Kang Zhao, Yunfei Du.* Hypervalent Iodine-Mediated Intramolecular trans -Aminocarboxylation and Oxoaminocarboxylation of Alkynes: Divergent Cascade Annulations of Isocoumarins under Metal-Free Conditions. Org. Lett. 2015, 17 , 5252−5255 (highlighted by X-mol news, //www.x-mol.com/news/1517).
8. Xiang Zhang, Chao Yang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, YunfeiDu.* Hypervalent-Iodine-Mediated Cascade Annulation of Diarylalkynes Forming Spiro Heterocycles under Metal-Free Conditions. Chem.−Eur. J . 2015, 21 , 5193−5198 (Hot Paper).
9. Xiang Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Jun Deng, Yunfei Du,* Kang Zhao.* Synthesis of Diversely Substituted Indoloquinolinones via Pd(II)/Cu(II)-Mediated Oxidative C−C Bond Formation and I(III)-Mediated C−N Bond Formation. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78 , 12750−12759 (Abstracted by ChemInform, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/chin.201422168).
10. Ying Zhou,Xiang Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du.*Iodocyclization of N -ArylpropynamidesMediated byHypervaent Iodine Reagent: Divergent Synthesis of Quinolin-2-ones and Spiro[4,5]trienones. ( Org. Lett. 2017 , 19, 150-153)
11. Yang Cao, Xiang Zhang, Guangyu Lin, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du.* Chiral Aryliodine-Mediated EnantioselectiveOrganocatalytic Oxidative Spirocyclization of Spirofurooxindoles via Cascade C-O and C-C Bond Formation. Org. Lett. 2016, 18 , 5580.
12. Chao Yang, Xiang Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du,* Kang Zhao.* PhI(OCOCF3)2-Mediated Cyclization of o -(1-Alkynyl)benzamides: Metal-Free Synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-2,3- dihydroisoquinoline-1,4-dione. J. Org. Chem. 2015 , 80, 5320−5328.
13. Xuming Li, Liu Yang, Xiang Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du,* Kang Zhao.* Construction of 1,4-Benzodiazepine Skeleton from 2-(Arylamino)benzamides through PhI(OAc)2Mediated Oxidative C−N Bond Formation. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79 , 955−962.
14. Jia Liu, Sheng-Nan Ma, Xiang Zhang, Mei-Na Jin, Mei-Hua Jin, Dexin Kong,* Nan Qin,* Hong-Quan Duan.* Synthesis and Antimetastatic Effect of E -Salignone. Chem. Nat. Compd. 2014 , 50, 697−701.
15. Hong-Ling Wang, Nan Qin, Jia Liu, Mei-Na Jin, Xiang Zhang, Mei-Hua Jin, Dexin Kong, Shen-De Jiang, Hong-Quan Duan.* Synthesis and Antimetastatic Effects of E -Salignone Amide Derivatives. Drug Dev. Res. 2014 , 75 , 76–87.
16. Le Liu, Hang Lu, Hong Wang, Chao Yang, Xiang Zhang, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, Yunfei Du,* Kang Zhao.*PhI(OCOCF3)2-Mediated C−C Bond Formation Concomitant with a 1,2-Aryl Shift in a Metal-Free Synthesis of 3-Arylquinolin-2-ones. Org. Lett . 2013, 15 , 2906−2909.
Yunfei Du, Xiang Zhang, Kang Zhao “ e -EROS Electronic Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis”(Phenyliodine(III) Bis(trifluoroacetate)(rp069),Wiley (Latest Version, DOI: 10.1002/047084289X.rp069.pub3).
Yunfei Du, Xuming Li, Xiang Zhang, Kang Zhao. Synthesis of 1,4-Benzodiazepine Derivatives. Patent, CN201310455049.1, approved on Jan. 5th, 2014.