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  2015/01-至今,西北农林科技大学,理百家乐规则 ,副教授,硕士生导师。


  2010/09-2014,西北农林科技大学,理百家乐规则 ,讲师。


  2004/09-2010/07,华南师范大学,化学与环境百家乐规则 ,理学硕士、博士学位。

  2000/09-2004/07,华南农业大学,理百家乐规则 ,应用化学,士学位。




  博士后基金(特别):活泼类羰基过渡金属配合物间偶联稳定性的理论研究(No. 2014T70817),15万元,2014/05-2015/6。

  国家自然科学基金(青年):C2E2和C3E2有机氧族-金属配合物的理论研究,(No. 21303138),25万,2013.01-2016.12。

  博士后基金(面上):C2E2有机氧族-金属配合物的理论研究(No.2013M- 540660),8万元,2013/08-2015/6。








  大会报告:“ Instability of the Reactive Carbonyl Analogues towards Cyclooligomerization in TM Carbonyl Complexes ”,The International Symposium on Frontiers of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,北京大学深圳研究生院,2014.05.06.


  Liu, Y.; Liu, C.; Pu, L.; Zhang, Z.(*); King R. B.(*) Boron Monoxide Dimer as a Building Block for Boroxine Based Buckyballs and Related Cages: A Theoretical Study, Chem. Comm. 2017, DIO:10.1039/c6cc09489a.

  Pu, L.; Zhang, Z.(*); Li, Q-S.; King, R. B. (*) Cleavage of carbon suboxide to give ketenylidene and carbyne ligands at a reactive tungsten site: a theoretical mechanistic study, RSC Adv. 2016, 6 , 4014.

  Zhang, Z.(*); Pu, L.; Li, Q-S.; King, R. B.(*) Differences between carbon suboxide and its heavier congeners as ligands in transition metal complexes: a theoretical study, New J. Chem. 2016, 40 , 9486.

  Zhang, Z.(*); Pu, L.; Li, Q-S.; King, R. B.(*) Controlling the Reactivity of the Boronyl Group in Platinum Complexes towards Cyclodimerization: A Theoretical Survey, Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54 , 10281.

  Z. Zhang,* L. Pu, Q-S. Li, R. B. King,* The Siliconyl, Boronyl, and Iminoboryl Ligands as Analogues of the Well-known Carbonyl Ligand: Predicted Reactivity towards Dipolar Cyclooligomerization in Iron/Cobalt Carbonyl Complexes, RSC Adv. 5 , 35558, 2015. (IF="3.708)

  Z. Zhang,* L. Pu, Q-S. Li, R. B. King,* Pathways to the Polymerization of Boron Monoxide Dimer To Give Low-Density Porous Materials Containing Six-membered Boroxine Rings, Inorg. Chem. 54 , 2910, 2015. (IF=4.794)

  Z. Zhang,* L. Pu, Q-S. Li, R. B. King,* The Facile Coupling of Carbon Monochalcogenides to Ethenedichalcogenone Ligands in Binuclear Iron Carbonyl Derivatives, New J. Chem. 38 , 4282, 2014. (IF=3.159)

  Z. Zhang,* L. Pu, R. B. King,* Coupling of chalcocarbonyl ligands (CE: E = S, Se, Te) on an iron carbonyl site: effect of the chalcogen, Chem. Comm. 5028, 2013. (IF="6.718)

  Z. Zhang,* Q-S. Li, Y. Xie, R. B. King,* H. F. Schaefer III, New Structural Features in Tetranuclear Iron Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: Exotriangular Iron Atoms and Six-Electron-Donating Thiocarbonyl Groups Bridging Four Iron Atoms, Euro. J. Inorg. Chem. 1104, 2012 (IF=2.965)

  R. B. King,* Z. Zhang,* Q-S. Li, Y. Xie, H. F. Schaefer III, Iron Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: Structural Changes upon Replacing Carbonyl Groups With Thiocarbonyl Groups in First Row Transition Metal Derivatives: New Insights, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 , 14743, 2012.( IF="4.198, Invited Prespective)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li,* Y. Xie, R. B. King,* Binuclear Cyclopentadienylvanadium Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls:  Vanadium-Vanadium Bonding and Four-Electron Donor Bridging Thiocarbonyl Groups, Polyhedron 31 , 1, 2012. (IF=2.047)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li,* Y. Xie, R. B. King,* The Binuclear Cyclopentadienyl- chromium Carbonyl Thiocarbonyl: Four-Electron Donor Thiocarbonyl Group versus Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds, J. Organomet. Chem. 696 , 2958, 2011. (IF=2.302)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li,* Y. Xie, R. B. King,* Unsaturation in binuclear cyclopentadienyliron carbonyl thiocarbonyls:Four-electron donor bridging thiocarbonyl groups versus metal–metal multiple bonds, Inorg. Chim. Acta 375 , 193, 2011. (IF=2.041)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Binuclear Cyclopentadienylmanganese Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: Four-electron Donor Bridging Thiocarbonyl Groups of Two Types and a Bridging Acetylenedithiolate Ligand, Euro. J. Inorg. Chem. 4175, 2010 (IF=2.965)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Binuclear Nickel Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds versus Four-Electron Donor Thiocarbonyl Groups, J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 2365. (IF=2.775)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Binuclear and Trinuclear Chromium Carbonyls with Linear Bridging Carbonyl Groups: “Isocarbonyl” versus “Carbonyl” Bonding of Carbon Monoxide Ligands, J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 4672, 2010. (IF=2.775)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Stabilization of Binuclear Chromium Carbonyls by Substitution of Thiocarbonyl Groups for Carbonyl Groups, J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 486, 2010. (IF=2.775)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Binuclear Manganese Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls:  Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds versus Four-Electron Donor Thiocarbonyl Groups, New J. Chem. 34 , 92, 2010. (IF=3.159)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Trinuclear Iron Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: The Preference for Four- and Six-electron Donor Bridging Thiocarbonyl Groups over Metal-Metal Multiple Bonding, while Satisfying the 18-Electron Rule, Inorg. Chem. 48 , 6167, 2009. (IF=4.794)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Binuclear Cobalt Thiocarbonyl Carbonyl Derivatives: Comparison with Homoleptic Binuclear Cobalt Carbonyls, Inorg. Chem. 48 , 5973, 2009. (IF=4.794)

  Z. Zhang, Q-S. Li, Y-M. Xie, R. B. King, H. F. Schaefer, Iron Carbonyl Thiocarbonyls: Effect of Substituting a Thiocarbonyl Group for a Carbonyl Group in Mononuclear and Binuclear Iron Carbonyl Derivatives, Inorg. Chem. 48 , 1974, 2009. (IF=4.794)

  J. Chen, Y. Cai, H. Fang, Z. Zhou, X. Zhan, G. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Construction of Three-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks with Helical Character through Coordinative and Supramolecular Interactions, Cryst. Growth Des. 9 , 1605, 2009. (IF=4.558)

  Z. Zhang, X. Xu, X. Zuo, W. Li, Stabilizing Effect of Amine on Small Molecules in Electrolyte of Lithium Batteries, Acta. Phys. Chim. Sin. 23 , 526, 2007. (IF="0.886)





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