
百家乐规则» 师资队伍


作者:         来源:         发布日期:2017-03-09     浏览次数:



李红娟,博士, 2010年12月毕业于陕西师范大学。2010年12月入职西北农林科技大学,从事教学科研工作。


1.  基于碳纳米材料,层状氧化锰,层状双金属氢氧化物的功能纳米复合材料的制备和电化学性能研究;

2. 储能材料和技术(电化学电容器);

3. 石墨烯、碳纳米管和功能染料的自组装设计及在生物传感器方面的应用研究;












2. 以第一或通讯作者发表文章情况

1) Wenwen Zheng, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu, Ruijin Yu and Hongjuan Li*. Sulfidation of hierarchical NiAl-LDH/Ni-MOF composite for high-performance supercapacitor, ChemElectroChem, 2019,6(13): 3375-3382.

2) Wenwen Zheng, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu, Ruijin Yu, Hongjuan Li*. Facile synthesis of NiAl-LDH/MnO2 and NiFe-LDH/MnO2 composites for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 768, 5: 240-248.

3) Feifei Wang, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu, Ting Wang, Ruijin Yu and Hongjuan Li*. One-step synthesis of Nickle Iron-layered double hydroxide/reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanofibres composite as electrode materials for asymmetric supercapacitor. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 8908.

4) Feifei Wang, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu, Ting Wang, Ruijin Yu and Hongjuan Li*. High performance asymmetric supercapacitor based on Cobalt Nickle Iron-layered double hydroxide/carbon nanofibres and activated carbon. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 4707.

5) Caihui Bai, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu, Ruijin Yu, Hongjuan Li*. Facile one-step synthesis of nanocomposite based on carbon nanotubes and Nickel-Aluminum layered double hydroxides with high cycling stability for supercapacitors. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2016, 480, 15: 57-62.

6) Hongjuan Li*. Xiaoying Su, Caihui Bai, Yongqian Xu, Zhichao Pei, Shiguo Sun. Detection of carbon dioxide with a novel HPTS/NiFe-LDHnanocomposite. Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 225, 31: 109-114.  

7) Hongjuan Li, Jia Wen, Ruijin Yu, Caihui Bai, Yongqian Xu, Zong-Huai Liu and Shiguo Sun.  Reduction degree and property study of graphene nanosheets prepared with different reducing agents and their applicability of being a carrier of Ru(phen)3Cl2 luminescent sensor for DNA detection. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 26856-26862.  

8) Hongjuan Li*, Jia Wen, Ruijin Yu, Jia Meng, Cong Wang, Chaoxia Wang and Shiguo Sun. Facile synthesis of a nanocomposite based on graphene and ZnAl layered double hydroxides as a portable shelf of a luminescent sensor for DNA detection. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 9341-9347.  

9) Hongjuan Li, Lingjuan Deng, Gang Zhu, Liping Kang, Zong-Huai Liu*. Fabrication and capacitance of Ni2+–Fe3+ LDHs/MnO2 layered nanocomposite via an exfoliation/reassembling process. Materials Science and Engineering B., 2012, 177 : 8–13.

10) Hongjuan Li, Gang Zhu, Zong-Huai Liu*, Zupei Yang, Zenglin Wang. Fabrication of a Hybrid Graphene/layered Double Hydroxide Material. Carbon, 2010, 48: 4391–4396.

11) Hongjuan Li, Gang Zhu, Zupei Yang, Zenglin Wang, Zong-Huai Liu*. Preparation and Capacitance Property of Manganese Oxide-Pillared Ni2+-Fe3+ Layered Double Hydroxides Nanocomposite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science., 2010, 345: 228–233.

12) Hongjuan Li, Zhihong Liu* and Limei Sun. Bis(diethylenetriamine-k3N) cobalt(II) dichloride monohydrate. Acta Cryst., 2006, E62: 2522–2523.  

13) Hongjuan Li, Zhihong Liu* and Limei Sun. Synthesis, crystal structure, vibrational spectroscopy and thermal behavior of the first alkali metals hexaborate: K2[B6O9(OH)2]. Chinese journal of chemistry., 2007, 25: 1131–1134.  

14) Zhi-Hong Liu*, Hongjuan Li. Synthesis, crystal structure and thermal behavior of a new molybdenum-oxygen cluster: [Ni(en)3]2(H3BO3)(MoO4)2·6H2O. Journal of Alloys and Compounds., 2006, 426: 97–100.





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