陈自胜,湖南衡阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师。2008年本科毕业于陕西师范大学。2013年博士毕业于兰州大学功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室,同年加入西北农林科技大学。2014年12月-2015年12月于韩国梨花女子大学从事博士后研究。2018年9月-2019年7月于北京大学做访问学者。2016年被评为西北农林科技大学“优秀教师”,2017年入选西北农林科技大学“青年英才”培育计划。2020年获得西北农林科技大学青年教师讲课比赛“二等奖”。主要从事有机合成和金属催化研究。目前主持国家自然基金面上1项,已完成国家自然基金,陕西省自然基金和中央高校基本科研业务费等6项。以第一作者或通讯作者在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 、 ACS Catal. 、 Org. Lett. 、 Chem. Commun. 等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文17篇。担任河南省自然基金和教育部学位论文通讯评审专家, Nature Communications 、 Org. Biomol. Chem. 等国际权威杂志的审稿人 。
3) 中央高校基本科研业务费
1. Zi-Sheng Chen, Xin-Hua Duan, Ping-Xin Zhou, Shaukat Ali, Jian-Yi Luo and Yong-Min Liang*. Palladium-Catalyzed Divergent Reactions of α -Diazocarbonyl Compounds with Allylic Esters: Construction of Quaternary Carbon Centers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 2012, 51, 1370-1374. (中科院一区,IF = 15.336, Top期刊)
2. Zi-Sheng Chen*, Xiao-Yan Huang, Ling-Hang Chen, Jin-Ming Gao, and Kegong Ji*, Rh(II)/Pd(0) Dual Catalysis: Regiodivergent Transformations of Alkylic Oxonium Ylides. ACS Catalysis . 2017, 7 , 7902-7907. (中科院一区,IF = 13.084, Top期刊)
3. Zi-Sheng Chen, Liang-Zhu Huang, Hyun Ji Jeon, Zi Xuan, and Sang-gi Lee*, Cooperative Pd(0)/Rh(II) Dual Catalysis: Interceptive Capturing of π-Allyl Pd(II) Complexes with α-Imino Rh(II) Carbenoids. ACS Catalysis . 2016, 6 , 4914-4919. (中科院一区,IF = 13.084, Top期刊)
4. Ming Cheng, Xiao-Yan Huang, Fang Yang, Dong-Mei Zhao, Kegong Ji, and Zi-Sheng Chen*, Palladium-Catalyzed Carbene Migratory Insertion/Carbonylation Cascade Reaction: Synthesis of 2‑Indolones with a C3 All-Carbon Quaternary Center. Org. Lett., 2022, 24, 1237-1242. (中科院一区,IF = 6.005, Top期刊)
5. Qian-Qian Zhou, Ming Cheng, Qing Liu, Bing-Qian Qu, Xiao-Yan Huang, Fang Yang, Kegong Ji, and Zi-Sheng Chen*, Cooperative Rh(II)/Pd(0) Dual Catalysis: Synthesis of Highly Substituted 3(2H)‑Furanones with a C2-Quaternary Center via a Cyclization/Allylic Alkylation Cascade of α‑Diazo-δ-keto-esters. Org. Lett., 2021, 23, 9151-9156. (中科院一区,IF = 6.005, Top期刊)
6. Xian-Xu Wang, Xiao-Yan Huang, Sen-Hao Lei, Fang Yang, Jin-Ming Gao, Kegong Ji, and Zi-Sheng Chen*, Relay Rh(II)/Pd(0) Dual Catalysis: Synthesis of α -Quaternary β -Keto-Esters via [1,2]-Sigmatropic Rearrangement/Allylic Alkylation Cascade of α -Diazo Tertiary Alcohols. Chem. Comm. , 2020, 56, 782-785. (中科院一区,IF = 6.22, Top期刊)
7. Jian Li, Fang Yang, Weiwei Hu, Bo Ren, Zi-Sheng Chen*, and Kegong Ji*, Gold(I)-catalyzed tandem cyclization of cyclopropylidene-tethered propargylic alcohols: an approach to functionalized naphtho[2,3-c]pyrans. Chem. Comm. , 2020, 56, 9154-9157. (中科院一区,IF = 6.22, Top期刊)
8. Jian Li, Hong-Wen Xing, Fang Yang, Zi-Sheng Chen*, and Kegong Ji*, Gold(III)-Catalyzed Regioselective Oxidation/Cycloisomerization of Diynes: An Approach to Fused Furan Derivatives. Org. Lett., 2018, 20, 4622-4626. (中科院一区,IF = 6.005, Top期刊)
9. Zi-Sheng Chen, Xiao-Yan Huang, Jin-Ming Gao, and Kegong Ji*, Relay Rh(II)/Pd(0) Dual Catalysis: Selective Construction of Cyclic All-Quaternary Carbon Centers. Org. Lett., 2016, 18 , 5876-5879. (中科院一区,IF = 6.005, Top期刊)
10. Zi-Sheng Chen, Fang Yang, Huibo Ling, Mengxue Li, Jin-Ming Gao, and Kegong Ji*,Metal-Free, Site-Selective Addition to Ynones: An Approach to Synthesize Substituted Quinoline Derivatives. Org. Lett., 2016, 18 , 5828-5831. (中科院一区,IF = 6.005, Top期刊)
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