
百家乐规则» 师资队伍


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徐勇前,博士,教授,博士生导师。2007年博士毕业于大连理工大学应用化学专业,2008-2011年美国阿克伦大学有机化学系博士后。现担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审人,教育部学位中心通讯评议专家, Chemical Science ,  Chemical Communications ,  Biomacromolecules ,  Biosensors and Bioelectronics ,  Analyst ,  Dalton Transactions 等国际学术期刊审稿人。2015年指导的大学生科创项目获全国“挑战杯”三等奖。2019年获校级教学成果二等奖(1/5)。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于级联蛋白信号放大响应构建近红外荧光检测生物酶的染料组装体,21978241,2020.01-2023.12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,肝细胞线粒体内双活性氧多通道探针研究,21676218,2017.01-2020.12;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,近红外菁染料聚集调控及其用于生物分子检测研究,21476185,2015.01-2018.12;

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,可用于诊断与治疗一体化的新型纳米高分子聚合物“点”的构建,21206137,2013.01-2015.12;

5. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目,肝细胞线粒体内双活性氧物质的多通道检测研究,2019JM-173,2019.01-2020.12。

6. 陕西省社会发展科技攻关项目,功能纳米材料用于恶性肿瘤的诊疗,2014K11-01-02-06,2014.01-2015.12。

7. 西北农林科技大学引进人才科研启动专项。









1. Dejia Wang, Yuchen Huyan, Xiaojing Nan, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, Product-boosted fluorescence signal: a new approach for designing small-molecule probes for detection of peroxynitrite,  Chemical Communications , 2020, 56, DOI: 10.1039/D0CC02963G.

2. Dejia Wang, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, Cyanide boosting copper catalysis: a mild approach to fluorescent benzazole derivatives from nonemissive Schiff bases in biological media, Organic Letters , 2020,  22 , 3361-3366.

3. Ying Wu, Yuhuan Zhang, Lan Wang, Yuchen Huyan, Hongjuan Li, Zhichao Pei, Yanfeng Tang, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, A simple ratiometric fluorescent sensor selectively compatible of different combinations of characteristic groups for identification of glutathione, cysteine and homocysteine,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2020,  302 , 127181.

4. Ziming Zheng, Yuchen Huyan, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, A lysosome-targetable near infrared fluorescent probe for glutathione sensing and live-cell imaging,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2019,  301 , 127065.

5. Ziming Zheng, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun, and Yongqian Xu*, Media Dependent Switching of Selectivity and Continuous near Infrared Turn-on Fluorescence Response through Cascade Interactions from Noncovalent to Covalent Binding for Detection of Serum Albumin in Living Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018,  10 (51), 44336-44343.

6. Dejia Wang, Xiaopeng Fan, Shiguo Sun, Shaozhi Du, Hongjuan Li, Jinli Zhu, Yanfeng Tang, Mingxin Chang, Yongqian Xu*, Substituent effect: a new strategy to construct a ratiometric fluorescent probe for detection of Al3+ and imaging in vivo,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2018,  264 , 304-311.

7. Ying Wu, Ziming Zheng, Jia Wen, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, Imaging of formaldehyde in live cells and plants utilizing small molecular probes with large stokes shifts,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2018,  260 , 937-944.

8. Xiaopeng Fan#, Dan Zhang#, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun and Yongqian Xu*, A BSA-squaraine hybrid system for selectively detecting Ag+in absolute PBS and sequential construction of logic functions,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2017,  245 , 290-296.

9. Dejia Wang#, Hongwei Zhao#, Hongjuan Li, Shiguo Sun and Yongqian Xu*, A fluorescent ‘‘glue’’ of water triggered by hydrogen-bonding cross-linking,  Journal of Materials Chemistry C  ,  2016,  4 , 11050-11054. (front cover)

10. Xiaopeng Fan#, Qingyuan He#, Shiguo Sun, Hongjuan Li, Yuxin Pei and Yongqian Xu*, Nanoparticles self-assembled from multiple interactions: a novel near-infrared fluorescent sensor for detection of serum albumin in human sera and turn-on live-cell imaging,  Chemical Communications , 2016, 52, 1178-1181.

11. Jia Tu, Shiguo Sun and  Yongqian Xu*, A novel self-assembled platform for ratiometric fluorescent detection of spermine ,   Chemical Communications , 2016, 52, 1040-1043.

12. Dan Zhang, Zihao Yang, Hongjuan Li, Zhichao Pei, Shiguo Sun and Yongqian Xu*, A simple excited-state intramolecular proton transfer probe based on a new strategy of thiol-azide reaction for the selective sensing of cysteine and glutathione,  Chemical Communications , 2016, 52, 749-752.

13. Benhao Li, Weiwei Li, Yongqian Xu,* Jiang Li, Jia Tu and Shiguo Sun, A simple approach for the discrimination of surfactants based on the control of squaraines aggregation,  Chemical Communications , 2015,  51 , 14652-14655.

14. Jia Tu, Liangliang Xiao, Yingfang Jiang, Qingyuan He, Shiguo Sun, Yongqian Xu*, Near-infrared fluorescent turn-on detection of paraquat using an assembly of squaraine and surfactants,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2015,  215 , 382-387.

15. Liangliang Xiao, Shiguo Sun, Zhichao Pei, Yuxin Pei, Yi Pang and Yongqian Xu*, A Ga3+ self-assembled fluorescent probe for ATP imaging in vivo,  Biosensors and Bioelectronics , 2015,  65 , 166-170.

16. Yongqian Xu*, Benhao Li, Liangliang Xiao, Jia Ouyang, Shiguo Sun* and Yi Pang, A colorimetric and near-infrared fluorescent probe with high sensitivity and selectivity for acid phosphatase and inhibitor screening,  Chemical Communications , 2014,  50  (63), 8677-8680.

17. Yongqian Xu*, Liangliang Xiao, Shiguo Sun*, Zhichao Pei, Yuxin Pei, Yi Pang, Switchable and selective detection of Zn2+ or Cd2+ in living cells based on 3′- O -substituted arrangement of benzoxazole-derived fluorescent probes,  Chemical Communications , 2014,  50 , 7514-7516.

18. Yongqian Xu*, Benhao Li, Liangliang Xiao, Weiwei Li, Chenyuan Zhang, Shiguo Sun* and Yi Pang, The sphere-to-rod transition of squaraine-embedded micelles: a self-assembly platform displays a distinct response to cysteine and homocysteine,  Chemical Communications , 2013,  49(70) , 7732-7734.

19. Yongqian Xu*, Benhao Li, Weiwei Li, Jie Zhao, Shiguo Sun*, Yi Pang, ‘‘ICT-not-quenching’’ near infrared ratiometric fluorescent detection of picric acid in aqueous media,  Chemical Communications , 2013,  49(42),  4764-4766.


1. 徐勇前,孙世国,王德佳,李红娟,赵宏伟,一类席夫碱化合物作为氰根离子和铜离子荧光探针的应用,授权专利,ZL201710341562.6.

2. 徐勇前,孙世国,王德佳,赵宏伟,二酚化合物与2-醛基苯硼酸形成的自组装体及其作为荧光探针的应用,授权专利,ZL201710690352.8.

3. 徐勇前,孙世国,陈晖,三磷酸腺苷近红外荧光探针的制备方法,授权专利,ZL201610066928.9.

4. 徐勇前,孙世国,赵宏伟,一种荧光染料及其应用,授权专利,ZL201610486134.8.

5. 徐勇前,孙世国,贺卿原,缓冲水溶液中检测亲和素的近红外荧光探针的制备方法,授权专利,ZL201510141575.X.


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