1999年7月毕业于兰州大学化学化工百家乐规则 获理学学士学位。
2005年6月,2013年6月分别获西北农林科技大学植物保护百家乐规则 农药学硕士、博士学位。
1999年7月至今在西北农林科技大学百家乐规则 工作。
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,80万元,作用于V-ATP酶的新型二氢沉香呋喃倍半萜杀虫剂的设计、合成与构效关系,项目编号:21372185,起止年限:2014. 01-2017.12
(2)国家自然科学基金青年项目,20万元,杀虫活性二氢沉香呋喃倍半萜结构优化研究,项目编号:30800729,起止年限:2009. 01-2011.12
(1)Ximei Zhao, Zhan Hu, Jian Li, Longbo Li, WenjunWu and Jiwen Zhang*, Synthesis and insecticidal activity of β-dihydroagarofuran ether analogues, Pest Manag Sci 2016, 72, 754−759
(2)Fangfang Tan, Shaojun Zheng, Peng Gao, Shengkun Li, Zhaonong Hu, Wenjun Wu and Jiwen Zhang*,Synthesis and Larvicidal Activity of Phrymarolin Derivatives against Culex pipiens pallens Natural Product Communications 2016,11 (2) ,233-236
(3)Ximei Zhao, Xin Xi, Zhan Hu, Wenjun Wu, and Jiwen Zhang*,Exploration of Novel Botanical Insecticide Leads: Synthesis and Insecticidal Activity of β‑Dihydroagarofuran Derivatives, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 1503−1508
(4)Wenjia Dan, Huiling Geng, Jianwen Qiao, Rui Guo, Shaopeng Wei, Longbo Li,
Wenjun Wu and Jiwen Zhang* ,Efficient Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of (±)-Yanglingmycin and Its Analogues, Molecules 2016, 21, 96
(5)Jiwen Zhang and Norbert Haider*,An efficient access to novel 2 H -pyrazino[2,1- b ]quinazoline-1,6-diones via intramolecular alkyne hydroamination, ARKIVOC 2016 (iii) 125-133
(6)Jian Li, Ximei Zhao, Longbo Li, Zhipeng Yuan, Fangfang Tan, Baojun Shi, Jiwen Zhang* ,Design, synthesis and cytotoxic activity of a novel series of steroidal Phenylpyrazoles, Steroids ,2016,107, 45–54
(7)Shaojun Zheng, Xinping Zhou , Shixun Xu , Rui Zhu , Hongjin Bai , Jiwen Zhang*,Synthesis and Antimicrobial Characterization of Half-Calycanthaceous Alkaloid Derivatives, Molecules 2016, 21,1027
(8)Jiwen Zhang, Longbo Li, Wenjia Dan, Jian Li, Qianliang Zhang, Hongjin Bai * and Junru Wang* Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activities of 3-Methyl- β -Carboline Derivatives Natural Product Communications. 2015,10 (6) 899-902
(9)Shaojun Zheng, Longbo Li, Yu Wang, Rui Zhu, Hongjin Bai, Jiwen Zhang*,Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Calycanthaceous Alkaloid Analogues, Natural Product Communications 2016,11 (10) ,1429-1432
(10)Fangfang Tan , Baojun Shi ,Jian Li , Wenjun Wu and Jiwen Zhang* Design and Synthesis of New 2-Aryl-4,5-dihydro-thiazole Analogues: In Vitro Antibacterial Activities and Preliminary Mechanism of Action, Molecules 2015, 20, 20118–20130
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