一、 个人简介
中国科百家乐规则 上海药物研究所有机化学博士、美国约翰·霍普金斯大学和哈佛大学医百家乐规则 博士后(Instructor)。以通讯作者在Nature Communications、Chemical Engineering Journal、Molecular Nutrition & Food Research、Carbohydrate Polymers等上发表论文60余篇,获批专利5项。部分研究成果被包括腾讯、新浪、搜狐、中搜网、分析测试百科网、杨凌视线等媒体相继报道。
二、 省部级以上科研项目
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC31870799)
2、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC31570799)
3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC31270860)
4、 教育部新世纪人才支持计划(NCET-13-0480)
三、 研究领域
五 、近3年主要学术论文(通讯作者)
1. Cost-effective and visible-light-driven melamine-derived sponge for tetracyclines degradation and Salmonella inactivation in water. Li Z, Wang X, Xu N, Xiao Y, Ma L, Duan J. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2020,394,124913.
2. Removal and adsorption mechanism of tetracycline and cefotaxime contaminants in water by NiFe2O4-COF-chitosan-terephthalaldehyde nanocomposites film. Li Z, Liu Y, Zou S, Lu C, Bai H, Mu H, Duan J. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2020, 382,123008.
3. Gentamicin decorated phosphatidylcholine-chitosan nanoparticles against biofilms and intracellular bacteria. Qiu Y, Xu D, Sui G, Wang D, Wu M, Han L, Mu H, Duan J. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules . 2020,156:640-647.
4. Hyaluronic acid-coated ZIF-8 for the treatment of pneumonia caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Liu Y, Li Z, Zou S, Lu C, Xiao Y, Bai H, Zhang X, Mu H, Zhang X, Duan J. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules . 2020,155:103-109.
5. Hyaluronic acid-based levofloxacin nanomicelles for nitric oxide-triggered drug delivery to treat bacterial infections. Lu C, Xiao Y, Liu Y, Sun F, Qiu Y, Mu H, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2020,229:115479.
6. Pathogen-targeting glycovesicles as a therapy for salmonellosis. Mu H, Bai H, Sun F, Liu Y, Lu C, Qiu Y, Chen P, Yang Y, Kong L, Duan J. Nature Communications . 2019,10(1):4039.
7. One water-soluble polysaccharide from Ginkgo biloba leaves with antidepressant activities via modulation of the gut microbiome.Chen P, Hei M, Kong L, Liu Y, Yang Y, Mu H, Zhang X, Zhao S, Duan J. Food & Function . 2019,10(12):8161-8171.
8. Versatile Chlorin e6-based magnetic polydopamine nanoparticles for effectively capturing and killing MRSA. Lu C, Sun F, Liu Y, Xiao Y, Qiu Y, Mu H, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2019,218:289-298
9. Synergistic clearance of intracellular pathogens by hyaluronan-streptomycin micelles encapsulated with rapamycin. Qiu Y, Lu C, Chen P, Sun F, Wang D, Wang Z, Hou C, Mu H, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2019,210:364-371.
10. Protein-Bound β-glucan from Coriolus Versicolor has Potential for Use Against Obesity. Li X, Chen P, Zhang P, Chang Y, Cui M, Duan J. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research . 2019,63(7) 1801231.
11. A photo-controlled hyaluronan-based drug delivery nanosystem for cancer therapy. Sun F, Zhang P, Liu Y, Lu C, Qiu Y, Mu H, Duan J.. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2019,206:309-318.
12. Antidepressant and immunosuppressive activities of two polysaccharides from Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf. Zhang W, Chen L, Li P, Zhao J, Duan J. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018,120:1696-1704.
13. Sulfated modification and biological activities of polysaccharides derived from Zizyphus jujuba cv. Jinchangzao. Cai Y, Chen P, Wu C, Duan J, Bai H. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018,120:1149-1155.
14. A hyaluronan-based nanosystem enables combined anti-inflammation of mTOR gene silencing and pharmacotherapy. Hou C, Bai H, Wang Z, Qiu Y, Kong LL, Sun F, Wang D, Yin H, Zhang X, Mu H, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2018,195:339-348.
15. Inulin based glutathione-responsive delivery system for colon cancer treatment. Wang D, Sun F, Lu C, Chen P, Wang Z, Qiu Y, Mu H, Miao Z, Duan J. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules . 2018,111:1264-1272.
16. A novel photocleavable heparin derivative with light controllable anticoagulant activity. Sun F, Liu Y, Wang D, Wang Z, Mu H, Wang F, Ding K, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2018,184:191-198.
17. Synthesis of hyaluronan-amikacin conjugate and its bactericidal activity against intracellular bacteria in vitro and in vivo. Wang Z, Qiu Y, Hou C, Wang D, Sun F, Li X, Wang F, Yi H, Mu H, Duan J. Carbohydrate Polymers . 2018,181:132-140.