
百家乐规则» 师资队伍


作者:         来源:         发布日期:2021-12-21     浏览次数:



一. 个人简介


2018年毕业于南开大学化学百家乐规则 (硕博连读),获得理学博士学位。2016-2018年,美国罗格斯(新泽西州立)大学,博士联合培养。2018-2021年,天津大学,讲师。2021年-至今,西北农林科技大学,教授。

以第一作者及通讯作者在 Angewandte Chemie International Edition , Analytical Chemistry ,  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , Small ,  Inorganic Chemistry , Chemical Communications 等国际期刊发表多篇论文。研究成果受到国内外同行的积极引用和评价,他引论文分布在  Chem. Soc. Rev. , Chem. Rev. , Nature Commun. , J. Am. Chem. Soc. , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 等国际高影响力期刊上,并多次被国内学术媒体X-MOL、MaterialsView China、能源学人、纳米人、分析人、科技工作者之家等报道。

担任《分析测试技术与仪器》青年编辑委员会委员,作为 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , Analytical Chemistry , ACS Applied nano materials ,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 等国际刊物审稿人。曾多次受邀在国内学术会议做口头报告,包括中国化学会第十四届全国电分析化学学术会议、先进材料与技术研讨会、环境与健康分析化学前沿会议等。

二. 研究方向



三. 部分主持或参与的科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持

3. 西北农林科技大学人才专项资金资助,主持

4. 天津大学自主基金攻坚预研-重点研发计划,主持 (2019)

5. 天津大学自主基金攻坚预研-重点研发计划,主持 (2018)

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与

7. 天津市重点研发计划科技支撑重点项目, 参与




Ø X. Ning, D. Yin, Y. Fan, Q Zhang, P. Du,* D. Zhang, J. Chen, X. Lu* Plasmon-Enhanced Charge Separation and Surface Reactions Based on Ag-Loaded Transition-Metal Hydroxide for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation,  Advanced Energy Materials  2021, 11, 2100405.

Ø Y. Deng, Z. Zhang, P. Du,* X. Ning, Y. Wang, D. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Zhang, X. Lu* Embedding Ultrasmall Au Clusters into the Pores of a Covalent Organic Framework for Enhanced Photostability and Photocatalytic Performance,  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 6082-6089. VIP Paper、高被引论文

Ø X. Ning, P. Du, Z. Han, J. Chen, X. Lu* Insight into Transition Metal Hydroxide Cover Layer for Enhancing Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation,  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 3504-3509. Hot Paper

Ø D. Yin, X. Ning, P. Du,* D. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X. Lu* Cascaded Multiple-Step Hole Transfer for Enhancing Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting,  Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021, 296, 120313.

Ø Z. Wang, X. Ning, Y. Feng, R. Zhang, Y. He, H. Zhao, J. Chen, P. Du*, X. Lu* Insights into the Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Performance through Construction of the Z-Scheme and Type II Heterojunctions,  Analytical Chemistry  2022, 94, 8539-8546.

Ø J. Li, P. Du,* J. Chen, S. Huo, Z. Han, Y. Deng, Y. Chen, and X. Lu* Dual-Channel Luminescent Signal Readout Strategy for Classifying Aprotic/Protic Polar Organic Medium and Naked-Eye Monitoring of Water in Organic Solvents,  Analytical Chemistry  2020, 92, 8974-8982.

Ø P. Du,# Q. Niu,# J. Chen, Y. Chen, J. Zhao, and X. Lu* “Switch-On” Fluorescence Detection of Glucose with High Specificity and Sensitivity Based on Silver Nanoparticles Supported on Porphyrin Metal−Organic Frameworks,  Analytical Chemistry  2020, 92, 7980-7986.

Ø J. Guo, M. Xie, P. Du,* Y. Liu, X. Lu* Signal Amplification Strategy Using Atomically Gold-Supported VO2 Nanobelts as a Co-reaction Accelerator for Ultrasensitive Electrochemiluminescent Sensor Construction Based on the Resonance Energy Transfer Platform,  Analytical Chem  istry  2021, 93, 10619-10626.

Ø Y. Li, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu,* J. Chen, J. Liu; P. Du,* H. Guo, X. Lu* MnO2 Nanospheres Assisted by Cysteine Combined with MnO2 Nanosheets as a Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer System for “Switch-on” Detection of Glutathione,  Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93, 9621-9627.

Ø J. Guo, W. Feng, P. Du,* R. Zhang, J. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Wang* and X. Lu* Aggregation-Induced Electrochemiluminescence of Tetraphenylbenzosilole Derivatives in Aqueous Phase System for Ultrasensitive Detection of Hexavalent Chromium,  Analytical Chem  istry  2020, 14838-14845.

Ø R. Zhang, X. Ning, Z. Wang, H. Zhao, Y. He, Z. Han, P. Du,* and X. Lu* Significantly Promoting the Photogenerated Charge Separation by Introducing an Oxygen Vacancy Regulation Strategy on the FeNiOOH Co-Catalyst,  Small  2022, 2107938

Ø D. Zhang, P. Du, J. Liu, R. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Z. Han, J. Chen, and X. Lu* Encapsulation of Porphyrin-Fe/Cu Complexes into Coordination Space for Enhanced the Selective Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Aromatic Hydrazides,  Small  2020, 2004679.

Ø D. Yin, X. Ning, R. Zhang, P. Du,* D. Zhang, Y. Deng, J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and X. Lu* Enhancing Charge Separation through Oxygen Vacancy-Mediated Reverse Regulation Strategy Using Porphyrins as Model Molecules,  Small 2020, 2001752.

Ø J. Xi, H. Xia, X. Ning, Z. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Mu, S. Zhang, P. Du,* and X. Lu* Carbon‐Intercalated 0D/2D Hybrid of Hematite Quantum Dots/Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets as Superior Catalyst for Advanced Oxidation,  Small  2019, 1902744.

Ø D. Hu#, S. Sun#, P. Du,* X. Lu,* H. Zhang,* Z. Zhang* Hollow Core-Shell Particle-Containing Coating for Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling,  Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing , 2022, 158, 106949.

Ø Y. Huang, J. Li, P. Du,* X. Lu* Rational design of copper encapsulated within nitrogen-doped carbon core-shell nanosphere for efficiently photocatalytic peroxymonosulfate activation,  Journal of Colloid And Interface Science  2021, 597, 206-214.

Ø Z. Zhang,† P. Du,† G. Pu,† L. Wei, Y. Wu, J. Guo and X. Lu* Utilization and prospects of electrochemiluminescence for characterization, sensing, imaging and devices,  Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 3, 2246-2257.

Ø P. Du, W. P. Lustig, S. J. Teat, W. Gu, X. Liu,* J. Li* A robust two-dimensional zirconium-based luminescent coordination polymer built on V-shaped dicarboxylate ligand for vapor phase sensing of volatile organic compounds,  Chemical Communications 2018, 54, 8088-8091.

Ø P. Du, W. Gu,* X. Liu* Multifunctional Three-Dimensional Europium Metal−Organic Framework for Luminescence Sensing of Benzaldehyde and Cu2+ and Selective Capture of Dye Molecules,  Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55, 7826-7828.


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