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杨志,男,中共党员,博士,硕士生导师。2009年本科毕业于湘潭大学生物工程专业,2015年博士毕业于浙江大学植物学专业,现就职于西北农林科技大学百家乐规则 。


1.国家青年科学基金项目 基于靶向微管的八角莲双黄酮先导化合物的发现及作用机制研究(31800289)25.00万元

2.陕西省专项配套经费 八角莲中新型双黄酮的逆流色谱分离以及抗肿瘤活性评价5.00万元

3.西北农林科技大学博士科研启动费 利用活性指导的逆流色谱分离技术以及LC-MS技术快速寻找和鉴定几种陕西特色中药中的生物活性成分 20.00万元

4.中央高校基本科研业务费 全氟羧酸类和磺酸盐类离子对逆流色谱新方法的建立及其应用研究 10.00万元







Lanjie Li, Yao Yu, Dini Lu, Jiangxian Chen, Jinxing Guo, Junling, Liang, Anling Zhang, Zhi Yang*. Bioassay-guided separation and identification of the anticancer composition from  Curcuma longa L. by the combination strategy of methanol gradient countercurrent chromatography and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry.  Journal of Separation Science , 2022; 45: 4478–4490.

Zhi Yang*, Peipei Guo, Rui Han, Dingfang Wu, Jin-Ming Gao, Shihua Wu. Methanol linear gradient counter-current chromatography for the separation of natural products:  Sinopodophyllum hexandrum  as samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1603 (2019) 251–261

Zhi Yang*, Wen-Jia Dan*, Yi-Xiao Li, Guang-Rui Peng, An-Ling Zhang, Jin-Ming Gao. Antifungal metabolites from  Alternaria atrans : An endophytic fungus in  Psidium guajava   Natural Product Communications , 2019,1-5

Yang Zhi*, Guo Peipei, Han Rui, Gao Jinming. Preparative separation of flavone dimers from  Dysosma versipellis  by countercurrent chromatography: Trifluoroacetic acid as a solvent system modifier.  Journal of Separation Science , 2018, 1: 144-153

Yang Zhi*, Guo Peipei, Han Rui, Wu Shihua, Gao Jinmimg. Gram-scale separation of borneol and camphor from  Cinnamomum camphora  (L.) Presl by continuous counter-current chromatography.  Separation Science plus  2018, 1: 144-153

Yang Zhi*, Hu Xueqian, Wu Shihua. Preparative isolation of a cytotoxic principle of a forest mushroom  Suillus luteus  by sodium dodecyl sulfate based "salting-in" countercurrent chromatography.  Journal of Separation Science , 2016, 39(4): 732-740

Yang Zhi*, Wu Youqian, Wu Shihua. A combination strategy for extraction and isolation of multi-component natural products by systematic two-phase solvent extraction-C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance pattern recognition and following conical counter-current chromatography separation: Podophyllotoxins and flavonoids from  Dysosma versipellis  (Hance) as examples.  Journal of Chromatography A , 2016, 1431: 184-196

Yang, Zhi*, Wu Youqian, Zhou Hui,Cao Xiaoji, Jiang Xinhang, Wang Kuiwu, Wu Shihua. A novel strategy for screening new natural products by a combination of reversed-phase liquid chromatography fractionation and C-13 NMR pattern recognition: the discovery of new anti-cancer flavone dimers from  Dysosma versipellis  (Hance).  Rsc Advances , 2015, 5(95): 77553-77564

Yang Zhi*, Liu Xiaoman, Wang Kuiwu, Cao Xiaoji, Wu Shihua. Novel linear and step-gradient counter-current chromatography for bio-guided isolation and purification of cytotoxic podophyllotoxins from  Dysosma versipellis  (Hance).  Journal of Separation Science,  2013, 36(6): 1022-1028

Meng Jie, Yang Zhi, Liang Junling, Guo Mengzhe, Wu Shihua. Multi-channel recycling counter-current chromatography for natural productisolation: Tanshinones as examples.  Journal of Chromatography A , 2014, 1327: 27-38

Meng Jie, Yang Zhi, Liang Junling, Zhou Hui, Wu Shihua. Comprehensive multi-channel multi-dimensional counter-current chromatography for separation of tanshinones from  Salvia miltiorrhiza  Bunge,  Journal of Chromatography A,  2014, 1323: 73-81

Liang Junling, Meng Jie, Guo Mengzhe, Yang Zhi, Wu Shihua. Conical coils counter-current chromatography for preparative isolation and purification of tanshinones from  Salvia miltiorrhiza  Bunge.  Journal of Chromatography A , 2013, 1288: 35-39

Liang Junling, Yang Zhi, Cao Xiaoji, Wu Bing, Wu Shihua. Preparative isolation of novel antioxidant flavonoids of alfalfa by stop-and-go counter-current chromatography and following on-line liquid chromatography desalination.  Journal of Chromatography A,  2011, 1218(36): 6191-6199


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