张涛,女,1973年11月出生于陕西蓝田,讲师。1997年6月从西北大学化学系有机合成专业毕业,同年来西北农林科技大学理百家乐规则 从事有机化学及相关学科的教学工作。2005年获农药化学硕士学位。2012年获农药化学博士学位,主要从事昆虫信息素的合成与应用研究。2015.12-2016.12在美国新泽西州立罗格斯大学药学系进修一年,主要从事手性药物前体的不对称合成研究
1.Zhang Tao, Feng Jun-tao, Cai Chong-lin, Zhang Xing.*Synthesis and Field Test of Three Candidates for Soybean Pod Borer's Sex Pheromone. Natural Product Communications. 2011, (6)9: 1323-1326.
2.Zhang Tao,Ma Wei-Li, Li Tian-Rui, Wu, Jia,Wang, Jun-Ru, Du, Zhen-Ting. A Facile Asymmetric Synthesis of (S)-14-Methyl-1-Octadecene, the Sex Pheromone of the Peach Leafminer Moth. Molecules. 2013,18(5):5201-5208.
3.Zhang Tao, Huang Liang-Zhu,Wu Jia, Lu Dong, Ma Bo-Lin, Du Zhen-Ting* Microwave-Assisted Syntehsis of 2-Substituted 1H-Benzo[d]imidazoles and Their Antifungal Activities in vitro. Heterocycles . 2013, 87(7): 1545-1552.
4.Zhang Tao, CaiChong-lini, Feng Jun-tao, Zhang Xing*.Synthesis and biological activity tests of the SexPheromoneof Laspeyresia pomonella L. Pesticide. 2011, 50(08): 561-563.
5.Zhang Tao, Huang Liang-Zhu, Li You-Qiang, Xu Ying-Meng, Du Zhen-Ting* A Facile Synthesis of (+/-)-Heliannuol-D. Natural Product Communications. 2013,(8)9 : 1197-1200.
6. Xu Ying-meng, ZhouJing, ZhangCong-cong, Chen Ke, Zhang Tao*and Du Zhen-ting. Synthesis of xanthones through the palladium-catalyzed carbonylation/C-H activation sequence. Tetrahedron Letters 2014, 55(47): 6432-6434.
Chen, Ke; Li,Youqiang; Du, Zhenting;Zhang, Tao.Total Syntheses of Heliannuols: An Overview. Synthetic Communications. 2015, 45(6):673-701.